
Who Ordered This #&$@(*& Sofa?

If you’ve been a designer for some time, you have probably experienced the horrible feeling of having accidentally ordered the wrong item. 

To minimize ordering errors, Proxy Plus has developed specific workflows aimed at preventing errors.

  1. Your staff person has to click a button in the DesignSmart+ software to release an item to order. (Our software automatically records the date and the name of the person who released the order in case there are questions later).
  2. Proxy Plus staff will create the PO, but this is done electronically with no chance for typos.
  3. Your staff person will have the option to require that they review and approve the actual PO before it is sent to the vendor. 
  4. When the vendor acknowledgment arrives, your staff person will have to review the acknowledgement. Our software will show the PO on the left side of your monitor and the acknowledgement on the right side so it is easy to compare the two.
  5. Your staff person will have to either approve or disapprove the acknowledgment, and then Proxy staff will take it from there.
Unfortunately there is still the possibility that your staff could err when they place purchases and/or when they review the acknowledgement. However, Proxy’s  workflows can help reduce the frequency of these errors.

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2885 Sanford Avenue SW
Suite #44067
Grandville, MI 49418